As a first step - please make sure to check that you did indeed purchase a package that comes with free coins.
As a second step - please have a look at your bank statement/app to see the status of your transaction. Please note that if the purchase status is "Pending", it means that your funds have not left your bank account and will be reverted within the next few days. This is the way your bank treats a failed transaction.
As a third step - You can check if your purchase was completed by going to "My Account" and then along the top of that screen clicking "History" There you can see all payments made.
As a fourth step - please contact the SweepSlots customer support team confirming the following details, so we can find the right purchase for you:
- Your Player ID or email address
- The package you purchased
- Purchase date
- Purchase amount
- Screenshot of your purchase receipt (email receipt, bank/app statement)
You will find the details of the purchase in the email we have sent to you with the subject 'Purchase Receipt.
Once you’ve got the details, you can submit the request via the contact form.
**Please note that as of November 2023, our platform now requires ALL purchases to be approved through 3D Secure, which is a third party software that most banks offer to help keep our players and our platform safe and secure.**